TutoredTea tasting: 'English' Teas
Learn about English Tea – tutored tea-tasting
This tea-tasting workshop will clarify and demystify the popular beverage known as English/British tea. We shall consider the concept of English tea in relation to those from China and Japan. These teas, which enjoy a revival today in England, shaped the early European tea-drinking customs in the early 18th Century.
This tutored tasting provides an opportunity to taste and examine at least twenty different teas. Caroline will take you through the typical China teas that arrived in the early days of English tea drinking. We then cover the British Empire teas cultivated in India, Ceylon and East Africa. To finish we taste present-day blends such as the English Breakfasts, Earl Greys. We shall also discuss the variations amongst the house blends that dominate the market today.
How to Brew a Good Cup of Tea
Caroline will discuss the different processing methods (the most common being Black, Green and Oolong). In addition we shall examine and taste teas picked in different seasons. We shall experiment with water temperature, water quality and pH balance to see how these affect the tea infusions.
By the end of the Tutored Tea-Tasting class you will ….
understand the progression of the types of tea consumed down the centuries in Great Britain.
be able to identify the difference in character of teas grown in China and India
be able to appreciate the varied results of different processing methods. Realise the importance of the water quality and water temperature when brewing tea.
be more informed as to what to look for when buying tea yourself.
Your Three-hour tutored Tea-Tasting Class includes:
Tutored Tea-Tasting
Course Notes and Tasting Sheets,
Samples to take home
A Light Lunch. Running time is approximately 3 hours.
PRICE: £220 for up to TWO people. For each additional person in your party the cost is £50 per person(maximum of eight in total).